
Helios Underwriting Plc has 78,110,302 ordinary shares of £0.10 in issue, including 5,667,335 ordinary shares which are held in treasury. Consequently, the total number of shares in issue as of 15 November 2024 with voting rights is 72,442,947 ordinary shares of £0.10 each. Each ordinary share carries the right to vote and there are no restrictions on transfer 49.79% of shares in issue are not in public hands.

List of shareholders

Holding in excess of 3% of issued share capital excluding treasury shares (as at 15 November 2024)

ShareholdersShareholdingPercentage of issued share capital
Resolute Global Partners Ltd13,413,500*18.52%
Polar Capital Funds PLC10,875,00015.01%
N J Hanbury (either personally or has an interest in)9,494,725**13.11%
IPGL Ltd5,735,6357.92%
Will Roseff5,587,6957.71%
Arbuthnot Latham (Nominees) Limited4,290,6515.92%
Ardnave Capital Ltd3,063,6694.23%

Directors’ shareholdings

(as at 15 November 2024)

DirectorShareholdingPercentage of issued share capital
Tom Libassi (has an interest in)13,413,500*18.52%
N J Hanbury (either personally or has an interest in)9,494,725**13.00%
Arthur Manners (either personally or has an interest in)1,197,509***1.65%
John Chambers (either personally or has an interest in)560,0000.77%
Andrew Christie34,5510.05%

* Tom Libassi does not hold ordinary shares in Helios Underwriting personally ("Shares") but is the Co-founder and Managing Partner of Resolute Global Partners Limited, which funds under management of, or associated with, holds 13,413,500 Shares.

** 622,500 of Nigel Hanbury’s shares are jointly owned in accordance with the Company’s Joint Share Ownership Plan - 300,000 of which are detailed in the announcement made by the Company on 14 December 2017 and 322,500 of which are detailed in the announcement made by the Company on 17 August 2021.

*** 477,500 of Arthur Manner’s shares are jointly owned in accordance with the Company’s Joint Share Ownership Plan 200,000 of which are detailed in the announcement made by the Company on 14 December 2017 and 277,500 of which are detailed in the announcement made by the Company on 17 August 2021.